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Claimed by a King Page 2
Claimed by a King Read online
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“Your pussy begs to differ.”
“You don’t know shit about what’s in between my legs, and you never will.”
I bend down to pick up my towel, suddenly very self-conscious about my lack of clothing.
“Anyone who stepped inside of this room right now would know. You can smell it. It’s wet. It’s weeping. It’s hungry. And I made it that way.”
For just a moment his gifted kissing technique made me forget what an arrogant prick Camden King can be, and the reason why I in fact have rules in place to begin with.
“Get out,” I order firmly.
“I’m not going any motherfucking where,” he growls.
“I don’t want you here. Get out—”
He cuts my words off again, but this time with one of his hands wrapped around my throat and the other shoved between my legs. I inadvertently drop the towel again, and immediately feel a warm gush between my legs as he slides his fingers back and forth between my folds.
Assertively and expertly.
My knees would have buckled if it weren’t for the fact that he was firmly holding me against the wall by my neck. I am so turned on by his passionate manhandling of me, I can’t think straight and the yeses seem to keep flying out of my mouth.
“Do you like how this feels, Jade?”
“Yes,” I moan like the weakling the vodka has made me.
“Do you want me to keep doing this until you come on my hand?”
Dammit, he’s dirty too.
“Yes,” I exhale in defeat.
“So are you going to be a good girl and answer my question?” His deep voice rumbles closely beside my ear as he continues to stroke me between my legs.
“Yes,” I gasp in pleasure.
“Yes you are fucking someone here?”
His hand stops moving.
“No,” I puff out in frustration. Sick of the twenty questions. “The only person I’m fucking is you in about three seconds in this hotel room.”
“Good fucking answer, itty bitty.”
I’m totally mind fucked. The second after I give Camden the answer he wants to hear his hands instantly drop down and away from me. I can’t believe how my body immediately misses his confident grasp, the slight pressure around my neck, and the way he was stroking me. Somehow without prior knowledge, this big pain in my ass knows exactly what my body likes and what it needs, and God help me, but I’m desperately craving more.
“Pick up the towel you dropped and spread it on the bed. I don’t care how nice of a hotel this is, hotel bed spreads are gross.”
I do what he asks as he starts taking off his jacket, but there is something about touching the towel again that triggers my memory. The water.
“Shit!” I scream as I take off flying towards the bathroom. “I left the tub running.”
Sure enough there is the beginning of a major flood in the beautiful marbled bathroom of my five-star hotel room. Well more than just the beginnings. The floor is damn near completely covered in water, and I know I’ll have to pay a mint if I don’t quickly figure out a way to sop it all up.
While I’m wading my feet in flood water, wondering what the heck I am going to do, Camden runs out into the hallway, locates a housekeeping cart, and swipes a stack of towels. Next thing I know, we both are on all fours, mopping up water with white fluffy towels, when room service knocks. I’m actually still naked as a jaybird, so Camden does the honor of answering the door.
“It better be fucking room service for one,” he says in an accusatory tone. Still obviously suspicious that I am in Baltimore to meet a man.
“Oh be quiet and get the door,” I fuss back.
I hear Camden answer the door, mumble a few words, then close it; but when he never comes back into the bathroom, I get a little nervous. After finishing up wiping the last of the water, I go back out into the suite’s main area to see what he’s up to, and find that he has made himself quite comfortable.
The lights have been dimmed, the bedspread taken off, and the sheets of the bed are pulled down. He’s taken off his black motorcycle boots, his shirt, and leather jacket. And all he is wearing are his black cargo pants, a leather cuff on his wrist, and a sexy smirk across his face.
I should be annoyed. He’s being so ridiculously presumptuous. I mean have I ever given him reason to think that I’d be down for this? But it’s difficult to be genuinely miffed about his impromptu visit when I’m practically drooling over the jerk right now.
He looks amazing.
Downright delicious.
I’ve always known that Camden takes care of himself. He eats well, works out, and I’ve definitely seen him without a shirt on over the years, but getting a full on view of his diamond cut six-pack in soft bedroom lighting, with that hungry look in his eyes is a whole other thing. I can’t look away.
“Who was at the door?” I ask in a lame attempt to distract myself from the real distraction in the room.
“Room service and it looks like crap,” he says as the metal lid clanks when he places it back over my salad. “We’ll have to order from a better place later. I’m sure you’ll have an appetite for something more than salad by then.”
“What is going on with you Camden? Why are you doing this? Why are you here?”
Camden stares at me with a look of steely determination.
“Playing stupid doesn’t suit you, Jade. You know exactly why I’m here. You’ve known for weeks. Maybe even months. There’s something between us, and we’re going to figure out what tonight. No more glares from across the room. No more ignoring me. No more smart-ass comments about who I’m fucking. No more silent treatment at meetings, because you don’t know how to communicate when you’re pissed.”
My head is whirling. “I don’t … I don’t want this,” I say.
Actually I’ve wanted this for months, but I’ve been fighting it. I think it would be a huge mistake that not just the two of us, but all four of us would never recover from.
“Get in the bed,” he orders gruffly. “You lie entirely too much.”
“Oh my freaking God, you’ve definitely lost touch with reality—”
“I think you’re confused again.” He shushes me. “When I tell you to get in the bed, I also mean for you to shut the fuck up.”
“Like that will ever happen,” I say. Not totally understanding that while my mouth chooses to oppose any and all orders he may give, my body delights in submitting to each and every one of his directives. In other words, I’m fucked.
“No,” I answer a lot less confidently.
“I’ve got the perfect way to shut you up. Get on the bed and scoot down. Head away from the headboard.”
I follow directions but am shaking while I do.
My heart rapidly pounding.
My breath shortening.
Camden slowly unbuckles the thick leather belt he’s wearing with his eyes completely on me. As he pulls the leather through his belt loops, I take a quick inhalation. Frightened that he plans on using the belt on me.
His eyebrow raises in curiosity. “You want the belt, Jade?”
I nod my head no as he chuckles in response. “Next time then.”
I stay completely silent as he continues to unzip his pants, and lets them drop to the floor with a thud. My pupils are mono-focused on the growing bulge inside of his black fitted boxers. I think I may have just even licked my lips.
He waits for a moment.
Watching me.
Reading me.
I consider myself pretty tough, and it takes a lot to intimidate a girl like me, but he was doing a pretty good job of it.
When he finally slides his boxers down, I watch in delicious horror as his dick springs completely free. I say horror because I am four eleven, he’s got to be at least six two, and his dick is big as shit. I mean I’ve always suspected it was huge, I’ve caught glimpses of it in it’s flaccid state over the years, but seeing it live, erect, and in pe
rson makes what is about to go down between us seem extra real.
And fucking scary.
I’m worried.
If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit, is the only nonsensical line I keep repeating to myself. What if it doesn’t fit?
“Wait,” is my one-word feeble attempt to stop him, and he does … after kicking his boxers across the room.
“I don’t respond to the word wait. The only words you need to say are stop if you want this to end or don’t stop if it feels good. You got me?”
I’m literally speechless as he continues on and climbs carefully onto the bed. Sitting above my head and against the headboard. His dick jutting out and bobbing angrily up and down over the top of my face.
“Hold onto my thighs and open your mouth,” he directs.
Fuck, I swear to myself.
I’m so conflicted.
It never dawned on me that Camden would be so commanding in bed. This isn’t exactly the way I pictured it in my fantasies. I may have to do whatever he says at work, but in my dreams, I am the one in charge. Taking orders in bed is not something that I’m used to. Not with my one-night stands. With them I always take the lead and I always feel safe. But maybe letting go with someone I am very much attracted to, and someone I trust (to the degree that I can trust anyone) wouldn’t be such a big deal. I’ve done worse things.
So I do what I’m told and grip the outsides of Camden’s muscular thighs, while he adjusts himself and then slides his penis into my mouth. Almost immediately I feel another rush of wet heat between my legs. I actually like arrogant Camden King force-feeding his dick into my mouth. Who knew? So, surprise surprise, that is yet another one of my rules I’m breaking.
1. No kissing.
2. No fucking the boss.
3. No controlling shit.
4. No fellatio.
Camden begins to gently pump himself in and out of my mouth. Making sure not to move to deeply at first, probably so he doesn’t choke me to death. Allowing me to get adjusted to the girth of his cock and the rhythm of his thrusts.
I’m starting to really like this. In fact I want to participate more by at least holding him at the base of his dick or fondling his balls a little, but Camden won’t allow it.
“Hands,” he reprimands me with a guttural growl when I try to move them. “Back on my legs. Yes, Jade, that feels so fucking good.”
It’s amazing to me how even with my hands basically tethered to his body, holding onto his thighs, that I still feel totally powerful. That I am completely controlling Camden’s pleasure with my mouth and henceforth increasing mine as well.
“Spread your legs.”
I hesitate at first. I don’t want him to see how wet I am. Even though I am enjoying myself, I still can’t get completely out of my head. I never do when I have sex. It’s a blessing and a curse.
“Wider,” he insists.
I take a hard pull on Camden’s dick with my mouth as punishment for reprimanding me, but it has the opposite effect. He loves it. He folds his enormous body completely over on all fours and starts licking and lapping me between my legs while pumping himself harder in and out of my mouth.
We are in a perfect sixty-nine position, and for a split second I’m frightened. Probably because I know that I can’t control his thrusts in this position. What if he gets excited? What if he starts ramming himself down my throat and I can’t stop him? But as these random concerns for my safety swirl around in my head, I can’t deny that with each passing moment I feel good. Better than good. My eyes are practically rolling in the back of my head, as we begin to become lost in each other. A sensual and mutual game of tit for tat.
Every time he flicks my clit with his tongue.
I suck him harder.
Every time I take a stronger pull of his cock.
He takes a powerful one of my clit.
It’s almost a battle of wills. Who is going to come first? Who is going to scream for mercy first? He’s trying to break me, like I’m some sort of wild stallion, not because I believe that he wants me so badly, but probably because there’s never been a woman who’s told Camden no in his life.
Maybe I serve as some interesting sort of challenge for him, but he’s going to realize quickly that there is no way I am ever going to allow him to break me. I will always be free. I will never surrender and become someone’s property, someone’s plaything, or someone’s ATM machine ever again. But if there was anyone ever able to get me to bend my will, God knows that Camden would be the one.
He lightens up on the suction of my clit. Then he bites it.
Then he kisses gently around my core. Almost reverently.
Then rapidly licks back and forth across my clit with his powerful tongue like a human vibrator.
All while holding my legs spread wide and immobile.
It was all beginning to be too much. I was positive stronger women had fallen for less. My legs were beginning to shake, and I swore I could feel my heart pounding through my chest.
“Come for me, Jade,” he demands with urgency.
And I come swift and hard like a wild banshee. Screaming expletives and some other unintelligible words, because it feels just that good. Then he comes inside of my mouth with a hushed curse of his own.
Hot, salty, lava floods my mouth and drips down my throat, but I swallow every drop and am proud that I do. Now I’m hot and sweaty and still very horny. I want more of Camden. So much more. Like him inside of me all over this hotel room, but I refuse to beg for it. Which is what I’m pretty sure he’s looking for me to do. He seems the type to get off on begging.
Camden finally lifts his large body from over me and sits against the headboard of the bed staring at me while stroking my hair. It’s an odd gesture, because it seems to be part of the post afterglow that lovers share, not two people just fucking around.
The unforgettable orgasm which has totally rocked my body, has me lying here panting for breath, as if I’m unfit and don’t run a couple of miles everyday. It must have been the erotic mixture of exertion, adrenaline and bliss making me unusually winded. I can honestly say that no man has ever made me come that hard. I’m already bemoaning the fact that this one-night stand is going to be difficult to put behind me.
“I want to fuck you, Jade, but I’m not going to have my dick inside of you on a Saturday and another man’s in there on a Monday.”
When he put it that way, he made me sound like a whore, and maybe I was a little, but I liked it that way. Dictating whom I had sex with. Calling the shots about where. Always in charge of the when. Not feeling stifled by relationship restrictions or expectations. And never being disappointed by disappointing men. Yeah, if I had to choose between being a whore and being a pushover then I pick whore all day.
“I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.”
“It’s not a difficult concept. If I’m fucking you, then you’re only fucking me.”
“Well you’re not fucking only me, you’re fucking me tonight, there’s a difference.”
He glares at me with icy eyes.
“What are you doing in Baltimore, Jade?”
“Why do you keep asking me that? What do you think I’m doing here?”
“I don’t fucking know!” he roars. “That’s why I’m asking.”
“Huh, you seem upset. I guess all of your little computer programs could track me here, but couldn’t tell you why I was here. Is that the problem?”
He rubs his face harshly with the palm of his hand in frustration.
“Run the Jacuzzi water again.”
“You’re going to need it,” he says with a maniacal hunger in his eyes I’ve never seen before.
“I thought you needed assurances that I wouldn’t be fucking anyone tomorrow, or the next day, or the next—”
He quiets me with his mouth again.
This time with much more urgency.
And I welcome it.
; The warmth of his tongue caressing mine.
A girl could get used to it even though she shouldn’t.
“I’ve decided that I don’t want you to make me any empty promises or pledges right now.”
He pulls back from the kiss to look directly at me when he speaks.
“Because after tonight you won’t want anyone inside of you but me. That I can assure you.”
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Present Day
I’m doing something that I haven’t done in a really long time, and I know I’m probably going to regret it tomorrow, but I’m meeting my younger sister Jana for lunch. I may be three years older than her, but she has always been smarter, more mature, and more successful than I ever have, and she never lets me forget it.
“Has a waiter come over yet?” she asks, while plopping her overpriced handbag on the table.
“Hello to you too, Jana.”
“Oh yeah, hi. Happy New Year and all of that. Sorry that I’m a little snappy, but I’m hungry as hell. I had a really long class this morning and skipped breakfast. The professor I work for is so demanding. You’re so lucky you didn’t pursue this type of career path, Jade.”
I have the strongest urge to pluck my sister in the middle of her forehead like I did when we were kids. Jana enjoys throwing in my face any chance she can how she’s a teaching assistant for a prominent professor at Temple University, while passively aggressively reminding me of how I barely made it out of high school algebra.
“The server said he’d be right back,” I say dryly.
“Is the service here okay?”
She looks around with her nose turned up as if my selection of restaurant is beneath her. As if she has no recollection of how our parents idea of dinner out was a Friday night at McDonald’s.
“It’s fine,” I say with an attitude. “I’ve eaten here twice before with Roman. You know him right? My rich boss.”
“Yes, yes, Jade. I’m well aware.”